Take your security architecture beyond Zero Trust

Centralized Denial of Service (CDoS™)

Automated, centralized, infinitely scalable NoTrust™ architecture

Completely platform agnostic, works on any system, anywhere.

Eliminate your costly IdP and authentication technologies

100% complete loss of access, guaranteed

Hyperscale Security

You lock your systems, we throw away the key.

Data exfiltration is today's leading information security threat, causing billions of dollars in damages annually. Traditional security technologies and zero-trust architectures are evolutionary approaches that focus on legacy identity concepts while ignoring the #1 vulnerability, system access. Interweb Empire’s Centralized Denial of Service platform removes this final blind spot in your enterprise by eliminating all system access at scale. 

CDoS ensures that no one, not even you, can again access your data ever again.

Up to


Increase in confidentiality
Up to


Loss of productivity
Up to


Months of additional recovery time
Less than


Alignment with the CIA triad

Centralize your denial of service architecture today

 Eliminates access vulnerabilities permanently.
Removes 100% of your Identity and Authentication costs.
Mitigates all account access, regardless of user, regardless of system.
Ensures that even your “break glass” account vulnerabilities are disabled.

Move beyond legacy security policies by implementing the #1 industry-leading NoTrust™ architecture.

Schedule your consultation today ↗

Interweb Empire™

Serious solutions,
Serious Business.

Schedule your consultation today ↗