Take the human element out of removing humans

Touchless Employee Reduction & Removal Engine

100% impact-agnostic RIF generator

 AI-based termination chatbot

Fully automated separation workflow

Integrated with ADP, Zoom, and all modern access control systems

Terminations at scale

Fire your workforce at the click of a button.

Implementing a Reduction in Force is an uncomfortable and labor-intensive process that steals valuable time from your management team. Meet TERRiE™, the world-leading fully automated layoff engine that handles every aspect of a mass-termination event. Hand the messy work to TERRiE™, and your leadership team will no longer have to pretend to care.

TERRiE™ integrates with your organization's global address list to randomly select employees based on your selected headcount or percentage targets, then fully automates every aspect of the termination process. Featuring LiabilityBlind™ FIPS 140-2 random number selection, TERRiE™ is built for complete ignorance and indiscriminate termination of your protected-class and diversity employees.

Your employees are just a number.

Let TERRiE™ delete them for you.

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More comfortable than firing a human face-to-face
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Workforce termination at no extra cost
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Reduction in bonus liabilities
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Concurrent termination events (contact sales for additional volume pricing)

Remove the human element of removing humans

The TERRiE™ ChatGPT-based conversation engine handles the messy business of telling your former employees how much you care while automated processes lock their system access and reboot their laptops. With integrations into Google Calendar, Zoom, ADP, workplace benefits systems, and all modern access providers, TERRiE ensures that your former employees are informed, terminated, removed from payroll, and blocked from access in under 15 minutes guaranteed.

Outsource your empathy to TERRiE so that your Leadership team can sleep well at night.

Schedule your consultation today ↗

Interweb Empire™

Serious solutions,
Serious Business.

Schedule your consultation today ↗